I love Aubrey Organics products and I especially love that they are made in the USA!
For 42 years, Aubrey Organics has been making organic personal care products, such as shampoos, moisturizers, deodorants, lotions and make up.
Today Aubrey offers more than 200 products that are sold in more than 4500 retailers throughout the world. The company philosophy is: “Why use something synthetic when something natural works so much better?”
What a great concept! (Too bad all companies can't adopt that healthy attitude.)
Read Aubrey product labels and you’ll find ingredients made from natural plant extracts, and no synthetic additives or petrochemicals. And, you will find that all Aubrey Organics products are made in a factory in Tampa, Florida, that is “regularly inspected and certified as a manufacturing facility where organic ingredients are handled according to standards set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program.”
On its website, the company states: “We buy only the purest natural and organic ingredients from fair trade sources, and use them in handcrafted, all-natural products that are good for you and good for the Earth.”
And good for America, I might add.
Check them out at: http://aubrey-organics.com/