Quality sponges for car, boat and home made in Benton Harbor, Michigan!
It’s funny how we get in the habit of buying the same things without even thinking. Even simple things like cleaning sponges for example. For many years I have used the same brand of sponges mainly because I like the colorful designs (good reason, eh?). While shopping for sponges recently, I couldn’t find the ones I usually buy (which I’ve discovered are made in Taiwan) so I started looking around for a good replacement.
Deciding to take my own advice and “look at labels,” I found Estracell sponges made by Armaly, an American company that has made sponges for a variety of uses since 1908.
These sponges caught my eye because they claim to be more sanitary. They are made from a material that dries quickly, eliminating breeding conditions for bacteria and fungus. But best of all, they are made in the U.S.A. They aren’t exactly attractive (they are a dark ugly green) and don’t have fun, funky designs on them but they get the job done and they really do dry fast!
After researching Armaly, I discovered they are headquartered in Walled Lake, Michigan and their products are made at a plant in Benton Harbor, Michigan (by American workers). They make sponges for commercial use, such as industrial cleaning, as well as for homes, boats and autos.
Read more about the many innovative products Armaly makes at Armalybrands.com.